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Seminars / Short Courses
May 2018
Politecnico di Torino
Ph.D Programme in Architecture and Landscape Heritage
Short Course, May 02-11, 2018
Pier Luigi Nervi and Guido Oberti Excellence Course on
Ferrocement: Analysis, Design and Conservation
in partnership with the The Getty Conservation Institute
and the Responsible, Risk, Resilience Centre (R3C).
The main objectives of this course are to: 1) familiarize participants with the definition, behavior and design of ferrocement and laminated cementitious composites using continuous reinforcement of steel or other advanced materials; 2) help them understand their behavior and mechanical properties; 3) provide them with the basic knowledge of the mechanics of ferrocement and methods for its accurate analysis; 4) prepare them for the design of structural elements or systems using ferrocement composites; 5) introduce them to the only existing building code on ferrocement, 6) describe examples of applications, 7) address particular aspects related to durability, repair and rehabilitation, and seismic analysis of heritage structures, and 8) provide students with sufficient knowledge and confidence to effectively address ferrocement structures.
The course will provide students with an opportunity to gain knowledge about the conservation of modern ferrocement and concrete buildings. The training will include an overview of some important case studies currently under preservation programmes, such as the Sydney Opera House, the Flaminio Stadium and Torino Esposizioni, built by Pier Luigi Nervi, and Pavilion V by Riccardo Morandi. Conservation issues will be addressed, also in view of rehabilitation needs, including technical solutions to deterioration and material failures.
Engineering and architecture students, structural and construction engineers.
Recommended Prerequisite: basic reinforced concrete and basic concepts of structural engineering (behavior, analysis, design, construction).
Instructor in charge:
Course Material: Book: "Ferrocement and Laminated Cementitious Composites,"
by A.E. Naaman, 2000. (,
or Additional hand-outs related to heritage structures.
Course Outline:
Starting Wednesday 02 May, 2018. All lectures by Prof. Naaman are about 2 hours with a 10 minutes break between the first and second hour.
1. Wednesday, 02 May, 10:30-12:30. 2 hours. (DISEG) – Audio Albergo
a. Inaugural Address: Professors Mario Chiorino, Grazia Brunetta and Mario Ceravolo
b. Seminar-Lecture: Prof. Naaman. Introduction to Ferrocement:
Five Decades of Progress (Definition, Historical Background, Advanced Materials; 3D Reinforcements and
Textiles; UHPC; Hybrids; Cost …)
c. Types of mesh reinforcements, matrix and mix design, characterization, reinforcement parameters, distinct
behavior, current applications, hybrid combinations. Ferrocement fabrication and construction procedures.
(Read: Chapters 1, 6, 10)
2. Thursday, 03 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. (Valentino Castle, Sala Caccia). Mechanical Properties of Ferrocement. Tension, Compression, Bending, Cracking. Intro: Modeling Tensile Behavior and Cracking. (Read Chapters 1, 2, 3)
3. Friday, 04 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. DISEG. Aula Albenga. Laboratory Session: preparation of Ferrocement plate specimens for bending tests. Different parameters to be evaluated. (Chapters 2, 4, 7).
4. Monday, 07 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. Valentino Castle. Sala Caccia. Continue: Modeling Tensile Behavior and Cracking. Modeling Bending for Service and Ultimate Loads. (Chapters 3, 4, 5)
5. Tuesday, 08 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. DISEG. Aula Albenga. Laboratory testing and evaluation of ferrocement plates in bending. (Chapter 7)
6. Wednesday, 09 May, 2:30-5:30. Valentino Castle, Sala Caccia
· Prof. Naaman. Summary: Simplified Design Methods for tension and bending. Design Criteria for Serviceability
and Ultimate Limit States. Ferrocement Model Code (Chapter 5).
· Prof. S.P. Shah: “Performance of Fiber Reinforced Materials: Historic Perspective and Glance in the Future.”
· Prof Sobolev: "Concrete under Nanoscope: the Review of Nanotechnology and Nano-Engineered Concrete."
7. Thursday, 10 May, 9am – 13 pm, Valentino Castle, Sala d’Onore
· Prof. Romeo: "Flaminio Stadium by Pier Luigi Nervi: shape resisting design and conservation issues of the
ferrocement's canopy"
· Prof Ranzi: “Concrete Conservation of the Sydney Opera House”
8. Friday, 11 May 10, 4 hours. (9am – 13 pm) Valentino Castle, Salone d’Onore.
· Prof. Antoine E. NAAMAN, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Evolution in Ferrocement and Thin Reinforced
Cementitious Composites - Example: Column Confinement
· Dr. Erica LENTICCHIA, POLITECNICO DI TORINO. Turin Exhibition Center by Pier Luigi Nervi. Construction history
and modelling.
· Prof. Rosario CERAVOLO, POLITECNICO DI TORINO. Seismic evaluation and assessment of Turin Exhibition
Center by Pier Luigi Nervi.
· Prof. Mario A. CHIORINO, POLITECNICO DI TORINO. Conservation of 20th century Ferrocement heritage
structures. Durability aspects with attention to repair and rehabilitation.
FINAL ROUND TABLE with Prof. Antoine E. Naaman, Prof. Francesco Romeo, Prof. Gianluca Ranzi, Prof. Marco di Prisco, Prof. Pietro Gambarova, Prof. Mario A. Chiorino, Prof. Alessandro Fantilli, Dr. Francesco Tondolo and Prof. Rosario Ceravolo.
Site visit to the Turin Exhibition Hall by Pier Luigi Nervi.
The main objectives of this course are to: 1) familiarize participants with the definition, behavior and design of ferrocement and laminated cementitious composites using continuous reinforcement of steel or other advanced materials; 2) help them understand their behavior and mechanical properties; 3) provide them with the basic knowledge of the mechanics of ferrocement and methods for its accurate analysis; 4) prepare them for the design of structural elements or systems using ferrocement composites; 5) introduce them to the only existing building code on ferrocement, 6) describe examples of applications, 7) address particular aspects related to durability, repair and rehabilitation, and seismic analysis of heritage structures, and 8) provide students with sufficient knowledge and confidence to effectively address ferrocement structures.
The course will provide students with an opportunity to gain knowledge about the conservation of modern ferrocement and concrete buildings. The training will include an overview of some important case studies currently under preservation programmes, such as the Sydney Opera House, the Flaminio Stadium and Torino Esposizioni, built by Pier Luigi Nervi, and Pavilion V by Riccardo Morandi. Conservation issues will be addressed, also in view of rehabilitation needs, including technical solutions to deterioration and material failures.
Engineering and architecture students, structural and construction engineers.
Recommended Prerequisite: basic reinforced concrete and basic concepts of structural engineering (behavior, analysis, design, construction).
Instructor in charge:
- Antoine E. Naaman, Coordinator, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
- Konstantin Sobolev, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA.
- Suru P. Shah, Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University, USA.
- Francesco Romeo, Professor, Università Roma La Sapienza, Italy
- Gianluca Ranzi, Professor, The University of Sydney, Sydney, AU.
- Professors Mario Alberto Chiorino and Rosario Ceravolo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.
Course Material: Book: "Ferrocement and Laminated Cementitious Composites,"
by A.E. Naaman, 2000. (,
or Additional hand-outs related to heritage structures.
Course Outline:
Starting Wednesday 02 May, 2018. All lectures by Prof. Naaman are about 2 hours with a 10 minutes break between the first and second hour.
1. Wednesday, 02 May, 10:30-12:30. 2 hours. (DISEG) – Audio Albergo
a. Inaugural Address: Professors Mario Chiorino, Grazia Brunetta and Mario Ceravolo
b. Seminar-Lecture: Prof. Naaman. Introduction to Ferrocement:
Five Decades of Progress (Definition, Historical Background, Advanced Materials; 3D Reinforcements and
Textiles; UHPC; Hybrids; Cost …)
c. Types of mesh reinforcements, matrix and mix design, characterization, reinforcement parameters, distinct
behavior, current applications, hybrid combinations. Ferrocement fabrication and construction procedures.
(Read: Chapters 1, 6, 10)
2. Thursday, 03 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. (Valentino Castle, Sala Caccia). Mechanical Properties of Ferrocement. Tension, Compression, Bending, Cracking. Intro: Modeling Tensile Behavior and Cracking. (Read Chapters 1, 2, 3)
3. Friday, 04 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. DISEG. Aula Albenga. Laboratory Session: preparation of Ferrocement plate specimens for bending tests. Different parameters to be evaluated. (Chapters 2, 4, 7).
4. Monday, 07 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. Valentino Castle. Sala Caccia. Continue: Modeling Tensile Behavior and Cracking. Modeling Bending for Service and Ultimate Loads. (Chapters 3, 4, 5)
5. Tuesday, 08 May, 2:30-4:30. Prof. Naaman. DISEG. Aula Albenga. Laboratory testing and evaluation of ferrocement plates in bending. (Chapter 7)
6. Wednesday, 09 May, 2:30-5:30. Valentino Castle, Sala Caccia
· Prof. Naaman. Summary: Simplified Design Methods for tension and bending. Design Criteria for Serviceability
and Ultimate Limit States. Ferrocement Model Code (Chapter 5).
· Prof. S.P. Shah: “Performance of Fiber Reinforced Materials: Historic Perspective and Glance in the Future.”
· Prof Sobolev: "Concrete under Nanoscope: the Review of Nanotechnology and Nano-Engineered Concrete."
7. Thursday, 10 May, 9am – 13 pm, Valentino Castle, Sala d’Onore
· Prof. Romeo: "Flaminio Stadium by Pier Luigi Nervi: shape resisting design and conservation issues of the
ferrocement's canopy"
· Prof Ranzi: “Concrete Conservation of the Sydney Opera House”
8. Friday, 11 May 10, 4 hours. (9am – 13 pm) Valentino Castle, Salone d’Onore.
· Prof. Antoine E. NAAMAN, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Evolution in Ferrocement and Thin Reinforced
Cementitious Composites - Example: Column Confinement
· Dr. Erica LENTICCHIA, POLITECNICO DI TORINO. Turin Exhibition Center by Pier Luigi Nervi. Construction history
and modelling.
· Prof. Rosario CERAVOLO, POLITECNICO DI TORINO. Seismic evaluation and assessment of Turin Exhibition
Center by Pier Luigi Nervi.
· Prof. Mario A. CHIORINO, POLITECNICO DI TORINO. Conservation of 20th century Ferrocement heritage
structures. Durability aspects with attention to repair and rehabilitation.
FINAL ROUND TABLE with Prof. Antoine E. Naaman, Prof. Francesco Romeo, Prof. Gianluca Ranzi, Prof. Marco di Prisco, Prof. Pietro Gambarova, Prof. Mario A. Chiorino, Prof. Alessandro Fantilli, Dr. Francesco Tondolo and Prof. Rosario Ceravolo.
Site visit to the Turin Exhibition Hall by Pier Luigi Nervi.